Playing musical patterns by ear, such as chord progressions, period and composition models.
Imitation and improvisation with voice and instrument, rhythm and tones.
Musical performance.
Chord and melody instruments, bass and percussion for melody and rhythm games, or for accompaniment.
Rhythm, tone and dynamics, pitch, tempo, periods, time signatures, verses and choruses as building blocks for composing music in different genres.
Musical symbols, graphic notation, notes and chord names
Words and terms needed to be able to read, write and talk about making music, and about impressions and experiences of music.
Classification of string, wind, brass, keyboard and percussion instruments.
Introduction of note names
Continue to work on notes and rhythms
Learn the C chord.
Introduction of a slightly more complicated strumming pattern for the 4 chord progression.
Practice using various songs both the pattern and the chord progression.
Assessment next class
Final Practice and assessment of the progression and the strumming pattern.