Numbers in fractions and decimals and their use in everyday situations.
Main methods of calculating using natural numbers and simple numbers in decimal form when calculating approximations, mental arithmetic, and calcuĀ lations using written methods and calculators. Using the methods in different situations.
Numbers in percentage form and their relation to numbers in fraction and decimal form.
The positioning system of numbers in decimal form. The binary number system and number systems used in some cultures through history, such as the Babylonian.
Plausibility assessments when estimating and making calculations in everyday situations.
How patterns in number sequences and geometrical patterns can be constructed, described and expressed.
Methods of solving simple equations.
Simple algebraic expressions and equations in situations that are relevant for pupils.
Unknown numbers and their properties and also situations where there is a need to represent an unknown number by a symbol.
Basic geometrical objects such as polygons, circles, spheres, cones, cylinders, pyramids, cuboids and their relationships. Basic geometrical properties of these objects.
Probability, chance and risk based on observations, experiments or statistical material from everyday situations. Comparisons of probability in different random trials.
Tables and diagrams to describe the results of investigations. Interpretation of data in tables and diagrams.
Graphs for expressing different types of proportional relationships in simple investigations.
Proportionality and percentage and their relationship.
Strategies for mathematical problem-solving in everyday situations
Mathematical formulation of questions based on everyday situations.
Practice Test - Part D
Practice Test - Part E