Today’s lessons - 6C

8:00 am - 9:00 am

Music and Media - Music/Sound in media 4

Go over project goals and begin practising your script from Swedish.

8:00 am - 9:00 am
Not published yet, come back later
9:10 am - 10:10 am

Probability and Statistics - Week 8: Lesson 3: Assessment

The students will take an assessment covering the topics of Algebra, Probability, and Statistics. 

9:10 am - 10:10 am

Probability and Statistics - Week 8: Lesson 3: Assessment

The students will take an assessment covering the topics of Algebra, Probability, and Statistics. 

9:10 am - 10:10 am

Probability and Statistics - Week 8: Lesson 3: Assessment

The students will take an assessment covering the topics of Algebra, Probability, and Statistics.